Easy to Get Lvl 95 2 Handed in Eq

  1. I have been playing a SK lately, and I am not sure if I should be using a 1 or 2 hander for group content. The SK will only have group gear, as I don't raid at all. My understanding the tradeoff between the two is that 1-hand plus shield gives more durability and 2-hander gives more dps.
    How much less damage does a similar quality 1-hander do for a SK compared to a 2-hander?
  2. All determined on how the group is handling the content. Bandolier 1hd shield and a 2hder. Eventually you will want to 2hd group content.

  3. DPS is king, so 2hander is preferable but if your group has a lot of downtime due to healers needing to med then I'd switch to the sword and board. If you can pull nonstop with 2her, use that.
  4. The min/max answer is use a shield - shield AC is worth ~3 times as much as any other AC, as it directly raises your AC softcap. Even a mildly competent healer can do more DPS with their saved mana than you can with a 2h.

    But EQ, especially TLP EQ, is a very easy game - so many people confuse "I can" with "I should," which is why you see so many SKs with 2h's, hp rings, and +stat/no ac gear, and many healers who will just sit and diddle themselves rather than using mana savings to DPS.

    So the short form answer - being bad and making poor choices seldom matters, use whichever makes your pants twitch.

  5. I've got a one month old paladin with a mixture of Skyshrine/Kael armor, bazaar pieces and some empty slots still. He tanks just fine with 2her in most xp content--Velks, Kennels, Griegs End, doesn't matter. His healer almost never has to heal him and spends 95% of his mana nuking as it is. Looking at a parse for today's xp grind, 7 nukes for every heal, and the heals were more often for the puller than the tank. Paladin is mostly able to keep himself at 100% health by tossing the occasional group heal. Sk is the same with the occasional lifetap. With all the mitigation changes, you just don't need that shield AC in xp groups.

    When doing harder content? Sure.

  6. If you're not using a 2h almost exclusively, you're doing it wrong.
  7. Like I said - people who are gimping along with empty slots and a 2h weapon will mistake "I can" for "I should." Most tanks are terrible and make terrible gear choices. That doesn't stop them from doing fine, and that doesn't make their choices not terrible. TLP EQ is easy. You have to actively try in order to fail.
  8. Depends on the era and the weapons available to you. A lot of the SK/Knight specific weapons with good ratios that are droppable are all 1handers which will beat out or match generic 2hander ratios so there's no reason not to use them.
  9. It does help to know what your 2 hander is vs what your One hander is. That way people advise based of the quality of weapons you have. Also make recommendation on what would be good options.

    Assuming your 2 hander is high DPS, then it's a question of how hard is healing you vs the content. I think are assuming you are playing on Aradune, in case go with the higher DPS weapon. The only mobs in Luclin exp camps that do any real damage are elites in Ssra or Elders in the Deep. If you are on Mangler it depends on the zones that you are in exping.

    As a general rule: Use the 2hander unless your healer is struggling, or you are spot healing yourself out of concern for late heals. DPS is king in exp groups.

  10. Explain why my paladin "should" switch to sword and board? My healers are already dpsing almost exclusively. I can do more dps as a group with 2hs. What advantage does shield give me? I am well aware of the ac bonus, but it doesn't help me dps more in group content.
  11. This, have both setups bandoliered then.......


  12. Plot twist: 1h and a magic item in your off-hand.

    So much "should" in this thread... I miss RPG's that let you play the way that is most enjoyable.

  13. Agree. When ToV launched I was dying or going purple a lot so I switched to sword and board until I level up and get more AAs. Doing Unity and A Formal Dinner Invitation Anniversary events it's all 2HS because tanking is trivial in those instances.

    In later expansions, weapon stances make the difference between 2h and 1h all the more dramatic. Two-Handed Proficiency increases your DPS but decreased your tankability by a lot. The opposite is true for Defensive Proficiency.


Source: http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/1-hand-or-2-hand-weapons-for-sk-for-group-content.274146/

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