Where to Buy Nice Quality Summer Jean Shorts


Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Новосибирской области





Составитель: Первухина Н.В.

Новосибирск, 2019

Данное учебно-методическое пособие было разработано в качестве дополнения к основному учебнику и является частью учебно-методического комплекта для студентов 1 курса, составленного в соответствии с действующей рабочей программой по дисциплине ОУД.02 Иностранный язык (английский) и с ФГОС СПО по иностранному языку и предназначено для изучения темы «Магазины и покупки». Целью данного пособия является создание условий для успешного овладения обучающимися основными практическими умениями в области английского языка в рамках обозначенной темы.

Учебные материалы пособия предназначены для работы как на аудиторных занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов. Материалы пособия подобраны с учетом уровня подготовки обучающихся и нацелены на развитие умений в области основных аспектов языка: лексики, грамматики, аудирования и устной речи. Текстовые материалы и задания направлены на расширение словарного запаса, формирование умений в области устной речи и базовой грамматики английского языка, а также умений работы с текстом, умений понимать англоязычные тексты и находить в них заданную информацию.

Использование учебных материалов позволяет реализовать личностно-ориентированный и системно-деятельностный подходы к обучению. Материалы были адаптированы к уровню владения языковой компетенцией A 1 – A 2 ( Beginner - Elementary ) и прошли апробацию в условиях колледжа на группах первого курса.



a butcher's

мясная лавка

a baker's/ bakery


a greengrocer's (shop)

овощной магазин

a grocery store

продуктовый магазин, гастроном

a fishmonger's

рыбная лавка

a chemist's/ pharmacy


a florist's

цветочный магазин

a dairy shop/ department

молочный отдел

a bookshop/ bookstore

книжный магазин

a newsagent's

газетный киоск

a shoe shop

обувной магазин

a pet shop


a jeweler's

ювелирная лавка

a toy shop

игрушечный магазин

a clothes shop

магазин одежды

a department store


a shopping mall/ shopping center

торговый центр

a supermarket


a corner shop

магазин на углу, мелкий магазин, лавка

At the shop

a counter


a till

кассовый аппарат

a cashier


a shop assistant


a shopper , a customer


to choose


to sell


to buy/ purchase

покупать , приобретать

to pay (by cash, with a plastic card)

оплатить (наличными, картой)

a shopping cart


a shopping basket


a shopping bag

сумка для покупок

a shopping list

список покупок

a wallet/ a purse

бумажник/ кошелек

Prices and Ways of Payment



by/with cash (banknotes, bills, change)


by/ with a bank card/ plastic (credit or debit)

банковской картой

by check



онлайн платеж


чек товарный, кассовый чек

on sale


at discount (50% discount, 50% off)

со скидкой (50%)

a bargain

выгодная покупка

regular price

обычная цена

reduced price

сниженная цена

Goods / product

a pack of


a bunch of

пучок, букет

a bottle of


a piece of


a slice of


a kilo of


a carton of

картонная упаковка, тетрапак

a dozen of


a can of

жестяная банка, жестянка

a tin of

консервная банка;

a packet of

пакет, пачка

a bar of

плитка, брусок

a loaf of

булка, буханка

a box of


At the Department Store

changing room


to try on


size (small, medium, large, extra large)

размер ( S , M , L , XL )







Quotes and sayings about money and shopping

  • Money is a good servant but a bad master.

  • Money has no smell.

  • Money often unmakes the men who make it.

  • A penny saved is a penny gained.

  • Shopping makes me happy, spending money makes me depressed.

  • Shopping is the best medicine.

  • A bargain isn't a bargain unless it's something you need.

  • Work hard so you can shop harder.

  • When I'm sad shopping helps

  • Копейка рубль бережёт.

  • Деньги счёт любят.

  • Всякий купец свой товар хвалит.




hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Match:

a pack of

a bunch of

a bottle of

a piece of

a slice of

a kilo of

a carton of

a dozen of

a can of

a tin of

a packet of

a bar of

a loaf of

a box of

  • tea

  • coffee

  • tuna fish

  • cake

  • cheese

  • chocolate

  • bread

  • orange juice

  • milk

  • mineral water

  • Coca-Cola

  • potato chips

  • meat

  • sweets

  • sausage

  • yoghurt

  • green peas

  • apples

  • pizza

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Say it in English:



hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg What can you buy? Sort the words into the right boxes.















hello_html_5c248bf9.jpg café

hello_html_m7e7ca802.jpg chemist

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Name the shops:

a) hello_html_m1fd9915.jpg

b) hello_html_m7d6b2ba3.jpg

c) hello_html_7c9d69c6.jpg

d) hello_html_m4d5fabfc.jpg

d) hello_html_529f6140.jpg

e) hello_html_m1b187b79.jpg

f) hello_html_m1fd9915.jpg

g) hello_html_7a50120e.jpg

h) hello_html_m6fa6690b.jpg

i) hello_html_480aec8c.jpg

j) hello_html_m55f02830.jpg

k) hello_html_435503b1.jpg

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Shopping lists. Where can you buy these items?

I can buy _____ at the _______

Shopping list 1

  • Aspirine

  • Cake

  • Newspaper

  • Cup of tea

Shopping list 2

  • Cough mixture

  • White bread

  • Magazine

  • Cup of tea

Shopping list 3

  • Antiseptic cream

  • Cake

  • Chocolate

  • bottle of coke

Shopping list 4

  • Magazine

  • White bread

  • Paracetamol

  • bottle of milk

Shopping list 5

  • A bar of Chocolate

  • Cough mixture

  • Brown bread

  • Sandwich

Shopping list 6

  • Newspaper

  • Brown bread

  • Antiseptic cream

  • Sandwich

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Complete the sentences with a name of a shop.

1. I can buy magazines at the ………………

2. I can buy fruit at the ………………………

3. I can buy a bag at the ………………………

4. I can buy a bunch of flowers at the …………

5. I can buy bread at the ………………………

6. 7. I can buy cake at the …………………………

8. I can buy medicine at the ……………………

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Complete the sentences with different items.

1. I can buy ………………………………… at the grocery.

2. I can buy ………………………………….at the butcher's.

3. I can buy ………………………………….at the chemist.

4. I can buy ………………………………….at the florist's.

5. I can buy ………………………………… at the bakery.

6. I can buy …………………………………at the café.

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Can you write some more?

1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Match the items to the correct shop:

Meat and sausage

Jeans and a T-shirt

Milk and yoghurt

Fish and shrimps

A hamster and a goldfish

Fruit and vegetables

Perfume and body wash

A necklace and a gold ring

Bread and buns

Flowers and plants

Books and magazines

Medicine and pills

  1. Greengrocer's

  2. Florist's

  3. Chemists

  4. Dairy shop

  5. Book store

  6. Butcher's

  7. Body shop

  8. Jeweler's

  9. Fishmonger's

  10. Baker's

  11. Clothes shop

  12. Pet shop

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Sort the shopping into the right columns

Food shop

Department store

Meat, ice-cream, dress, oil, TV-set, orange juice, bread, sausage, yoghurt, sweets, jeans, sneakers, mobile phone, a bottle of water, a bunch of flowers, chips, a gold ring, eggs, butter, a bag, a book, fish, ham, cheese, tomatoes, shoes, T-shirt, jacket, perfume, shampoo, a piece of soap, a pack of tea, coffee, DVD-disk, chewing gum, sunglasses, food for a cat, a swimsuit, milk, furniture, a picture


Crossword 1 hello_html_64218f4f.gif


3. A shop to buy bread

5. A place to have a cup of coffee or lunch with friends

6. A different name for a Pharmacy


1. A place to post letters and send parcels

2. A shop to buy newspapers

4. Lots of small shops outside

Crossword 2


1.a shop that sells books

2. a shop that sells medicine

4. a place to save money

5. a big shop that sells lots of things



1.a shop that sells meat

3.a shop that sells flowers

4.a shop that sells bread

5.a shop that sells fruit and vegetables

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Word search

There are eight different types of shops hidden in this word search puzzle. Can you find them? All the words go across from left to right and down from top to bottom.


hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Matching task

Here are some word for shops and shopping. Can you match the items to the correct shop?



At the Butcher's.

Mary Poppins is doing some shopping with the children. She has a long shopping list. They have already been to the grocer's and have bought sugar, bacon, salt and rice. They have also been to the fishmonger's and have bought fish for supper. They have been to the baker's and have bought two loaves of white bread. Now Mary finds she will have to go to the butcher's to buy some meat.

" Two pounds of sausages, please, and best pork," said Mary Poppins. "Sorry, we are in a hurry."

The butcher was a fat friendly man. He was also large and red, rather like one of his own sausages.

" In a hurry," he said to talk a bit. We, butchers, you know, like a bit of company. But if you are in a hurry, of course … Two pounds, did you say? Right." And he cut off some sausages and wrapped them up first in white and then in brown paper. "And I have a very nice piece of pork here. Have a look."

"That looks very good. How much is it?"

" Well, four and a half pounds, that comes to 36 pounds? Is that all right?"

" Yes, thank you."

" Anything else?" he said hopefully. "Maybe some beef?"

" Not today," said Mary Poppins.

The man tied up the parcel and gave it to her.

" Bad weather," he said.

" Don't believe we're going to get any summer at all," answered Mary Poppins. She paid the money and got the change, then they went out of the shop.

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg True or false?

1 Mary Poppins has got a long shopping list.

2 The butcher was a fat friendly man

3 The butcher wrapped the parcel first in white and then in brown paper.

4 They haven't bought sausages.

5 The weather was bad.

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Complete the sentences:

At the grocer's they have bought _____

At the fishmonger's they have bought ______

At the baker's they have bought ________

At the butcher's they have bought ______


Shopping For Clothes .

From http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/shopping-clothes


hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Do this exercise before you listen. Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.

c redit card

r eceipt

c heck out

c hanging rooms











hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.

Check your understanding: shop assistant or customer

Do this exercise while you listen. Put the questions next to the person who asked them.

Shop assistant

  1. Is it OK?


  1. And in purple?

  1. Would you like to pay with credit card or with cash?

  1. Can I help you?

  1. Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?

  1. Can I try it on?

  1. What size do you want?

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Check your understanding: gap fill


What size T-shirt does the customer want? ______________ ____ _


Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt? ___ ____ _ _____


What colour T-shirt does the customer try on? ________________


Does the customer buy the red T-shirt? ______________________


How much does it cost? __________________________________


Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash? ____________

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Discussion

What was the last item of clothing you bought? Where and when did you buy it? Are you happy with it?

Vocabulary Box

Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.


Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?

Shop assistant: We've got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?

Customer: Medium.

Shop assistant: OK, in medium we've got black and red.

Customer: And in purple?

Shop assistant: No, just black and red.

Customer: OK, red. Can I try it on?

Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.


Shop assistant: Is it OK?

Customer: Yes, I'll take it.

Shop assistant: That's £10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?

Customer: Cash please. Here's twenty.

Shop assistant: OK, thanks, that's nine pounds, 5p change and here's your receipt.

Customer: Thanks. Bye.



Scene 1

At the men's wear department

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Watch the videos and complete the conversations with the proper words.

  • May I (help\ask ) you, sir?

  • I was wondering, do you have long sleeved (shirts\ jackets )?

  • Yes? We do. Right here.

  • How (much\ many) does this cost?

  • It's (14.99\ 10.99).

  • What about this one? It's a (small\smaller\the smallest) size.

  • The (big\bigger\the biggest) ones and the (small\smaller\the smallest ) ones are the same price.

  • What about these (pants\ shorts) ? How (much\many) are they?

- They are (33.50\ 23.50)

- 33.50? What about these (dark\darker\the darkest) ones?

- They are (cheap\cheaper\the cheapest). They are (on sale\at a discount ) this week at only 24.99. We also have suits for sale this week.

Scene 2

At the women's clothes department

  • What's the (size\price) of this dress?

  • It's 42.50.

  • Do you have any that are (more colorful\more beautiful) ?

  • Take a look at these. But they are (more expensive\ more fashionable) They are 55.

  • That's not too much (more expensive\ less colorful ). I like this one. Do you have something a (little less\ more formal) ?

  • How about this one?

  • Yes. That is (lovely\ super) . I try this.

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Watch the videos and complete the sentences with the proper forms of the adjectives

  1. What about this one? It's (small) size.

  2. The (big) ones and the (small) ones are the same price.

  3. 33.50? What about these (dark) ones?

  4. Do you have any that are (colorful) ?

  5. Take a look at these. But they are (expensive).

  6. That's not too (expensive) . I like this one. Do you have something (formal) ?

Buying new shoes


hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Listen to the conversation between the customer and the shop assistant and fill in the blanks:

Shop assistant: Hi there. Do you need any help?
Sam: Hi. Er … I really like these trainers. How _____ are they?
Shop assistant: They're £45.
Sam: OK. Do you ______ them in a 10?
Shop assistant: I'll have a look for you.
Sam: Thanks.
Shop assistant: Oh … what colour would you like?
Sam: Black, _____.
Shop assistant: OK, just a moment. (
The assistant goes to look for the trainers that Sam wants to try on. ) We've got 10 in white, but not in black.
Sam: Oh … do you have _____ 11 in black?
Shop assistant: Yeah, sure. Do you want to try them?
Sam: Yes, _____.
( The assistant gets Sam the trainers. Sam tries them on .)
Shop assistant: How are they?
Sam: I like them, but they're a bit too _____.
Shop assistant: OK. Do you want to try the white ones in your size?
Sam: Mmm, no thanks. I don't like the ______ ones too much.
Shop assistant: Ah, OK. Well, sorry about that.
Sam: Don't worry ... Thanks anyway. Bye.
Shop assistant: Thanks a lot. Bye now.


Shop assistant: Hi there. Do you need any help?
Sam: Hi. Er … I really like these trainers. How much are they?
Shop assistant: Oh … they're £45.
Sam: OK. Do you have them in a 10?
Shop assistant: I'll have a look for you.
Sam: Thanks.
Shop assistant: Oh … what colour would you like?
Sam: Black, please.
Shop assistant: OK, just a moment, please. (
The assistant goes to look for the trainers that Sam wants to try on. ) We've got a 10 in white, but not in black.
Sam: Oh … do you have size 11 in black?
Shop assistant: Yeah, sure. Do you want to try them?
Sam: Yes, please.
( The assistant gets Sam the trainers. Sam tries them on .)
Shop assistant: How are they?
Sam: I like them, but they're a bit too big.
Shop assistant: Do you want to try the white ones in your size?
Sam: Mmm, no thanks. I don't like the white ones too much.
Shop assistant: Ah, OK. I'm sorry about that.
Sam: Don't worry ... Thanks anyway. Bye.
Shop assistant: Thanks a lot. Bye now.


Test 1

Shopping with Eileen Farry

Watch the video episode and do the tasks.

  1. True or false?

Eileen is going shopping to the grocery store

  1. True

  2. False

  1. The first meal of the day is ______

  1. Breakfast

  2. Dinner

  3. Lunch

  4. Supper

  1. For breakfast Eileen buys some _____

  1. Bread

  2. Milk

  3. Orange juice

  4. Bananas

  5. Oranges

  6. Eggs

  7. Fish

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Match:

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg The second meal of the day is ______

  1. Breakfast

  2. Dinner

  3. Lunch

  4. Supper

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg For lunch Eileen buys some _____

  1. Meat

  2. Milk

  3. Cheese

  4. Vegetables

  5. Fruit

  6. Bread

  7. Ice-cream

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg True or false?

Her favorite meat is turkey.

  1. True

  2. False

Eileen's favorite cheese is provolone.

  1. True

  2. False

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg The last meal of the day is _____

  1. Breakfast

  2. Dinner

  3. Lunch

  4. Supper

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Eileen is going to have _____ for dinner.

  1. Pudding

  2. Pasta

  3. Sushi

  4. Pelmeni

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg For dinner Eileen needs ____

  1. Pasta

  2. Potatoes

  3. Tomato sauce

  4. Green beans

  5. Cheese

  6. Cakes

  7. Milk

Test 2

Mr. Grab Goes Shopping

Watch the video episode and do the tasks.

  1. Mr. Grab went shopping to the __________.

  1. supermarket

  2. shopping mall

  3. corner shop

  4. market

  1. He took a _______ before he started shopping.

  1. A shopping cart

  2. A shopping basket

  3. A shopping bag

  4. A shopping list

  1. The grocery is a department that sells _______.

  1. Meat and sausage

  2. Fruit and vegetables

  3. Bread and buns

  4. Sweets and biscuits

  1. At the grocery store Mr. Grab bought ________ for dinner.

  1. Red lettuce

  2. Reddish

  3. Apples

  4. Green pepper

  1. He did NOT buy _______.

  1. Red lettuce

  2. Reddish

  3. Broccoli

  4. Green beans

  5. Brussels sprouts

  1. You can buy sea food and fish at the _______.

  1. Grocery

  2. Bakery

  3. Butcher's

  4. Fishmonger's

  1. At the fishmonger's you cannot buy _______

  1. Different kinds of fish

  2. Oysters and shrimps

  3. Red and black caviar

  4. Cheese and dairy products.

  1. At the bakery Mr. Grab bought _______ .

  1. A dozen of eggs

  2. A piece of pizza

  3. A loaf of bread

  4. A pack of biscuits

  1. Mr. Grab did NOT visit ______ department.

  1. Bakery

  2. Greengrocer's

  3. Chemists'

  4. Butcher's

  1. Mr. Grab's favorite vegetable is _______.

  1. Reddish

  2. Green beans

  3. Broccoli

  4. Carrots

  1. He did not buy ________ at the body store.

  1. Shampoo

  2. Tooth brush

  3. Razor

  4. Toothpaste

  1. He was going to pay _________ for his shopping.

  1. With a credit card

  2. By cash

  3. By check

  4. On-line

  1. Match it:

  1. medicine and pills

  1. Fishmonger's

  1. Bread and buns

  1. dairy

  1. Fruit and vegetables

  1. grocery

  1. Milk and cheese

  1. chemist's

  1. Fish and sea food

  1. True or false?

  1. Mr. Grab went shopping for clothes

  2. Mr. Grab bought lots of things for a week

  3. Mr. Grab bought many unnecessary things

  4. He bought fish and meat for dinner

  1. Cross one out:

  1. Shrimps, fish, oysters, caviar, eggs

  2. Biscuits, sweets, buns, cakes, bread

  3. Chemist's, butcher's, baker's, greengrocer's, fishmonger's

  4. Toothpaste, soap, shampoo, perfume, milk

  5. Milk, water, bread, orange juice, yoghurt

  6. Cheese, yoghurt, milk, tofu, ham


Gemma goes to the shop.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and follow the instructions to practice your speaking.


Who says it, a customer or a shopkeeper? Put these phrases in the correct group.

  • A bottle of water, please.

  • Can I help you?

  • How much is this?

  • Would you like a bag?

  • Do you have a bottle of water?

  • Can I have a bottle of water?

  • That's £1.99. Is that everything?

A customer

A shopkeeper

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the correct option.

  1. Gemma is talking to … (a shopkeeper/ a friend)

  2. The magazine costs … (£0.99. /£1.99. )

  1. Gemma buys a bottle of … (water/ juice. )

  2. Gemma also buys some … chocolate. sweets.

  3. It costs … ( £3.40 in total. /£4.30 in total. )

  4. Gemma … wants a bag. (doesn't need a bag.)

Asking the Way and Giving Directions


from http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/giving-directions

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Do this exercise before you listen.

Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.


hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Look at the map and listen to the directions while you do the exercises. Write the place that the speaker gives directions to.

A: The speaker gives directions to the  ______

B: The speaker gives directions to the  ______

C: The speaker gives directions to the  ______

D: The speaker gives directions to the  ______


Fill the gaps with the correct word to complete the directions.

straight Go take past second At on

1. Go  _________ on.

2.   __________ past the traffic lights.

3. It's the ___________ building next to the library   _____ the left.

4.   _________ the roundabout turn left.

5. Then  _______ the first _______left on to Green Street.

6. Go  ______ the traffic lights and take the  ______ right on to King's Road.

hello_html_m67abbacd.jpg Speaking

  1. Ask for directions to get to the shop.

  2. Give the directions to the supermarket

  3. Tell the way to the bookshop.


  1. Go straight on. Then take the first left on to Green Street. Walk past the library and it's the building next to the library on the left.

B. Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights. You will see a shop on the right. Go past that and it's on the right next to the shop.

С . Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights and go straight on until you get to the roundabout. At the roundabout turn left. Go past the theatre. It's the building next to the theatre, opposite the hospital.

D. Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights and take the second right on to King's Road. Go past the bookshop. It's the building next to the bookshop opposite the café


  1. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/giving-directions

  2. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=7&filmId=11899974918115272703&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  3. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=7&filmId=5525592382073125834&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  4. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=6&filmId=7327529718480180214&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  5. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=8&filmId=3317223724035297865&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  6. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=8&filmId=3317223724035297865&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  7. https://yandex.ru/video/search?filmId=10266857141972986435&text=shopping%20for%20clothes%20scene%201

  8. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=3&filmId=15333838069100727208&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  9. https://yandex.ru/video/search?p=6&filmId=7327529718480180214&text=shopping%20for%20food%20english%20lesson

  10. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/speaking-skills-practice/buying-new-shoes

  11. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/shopping-clothes

Where to Buy Nice Quality Summer Jean Shorts

Source: https://infourok.ru/uchebnometodicheskoe-posobie-sops-and-sopping-3766527.html

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